Excelent day in Ancash..

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    I went to Ancash last summer, and it was the best trip ever!!!!!

First, I visited the spectacular "Museo Arqueológico de Ancash". It is a museum with ceramics, loom, etc, that belonged to the chavin culture many years ago. I took a photo to the "cabezas clavas", which is very representative and famous in this museum. I took a tour to Huascaran National Park. In this place are a mountain very tall, also have a mountain mount and I can touch the snow, it was fantastic. After I going to "Balnario de Tuquillo", in this place there is a spectacular view.

The food is very delicious, I colud eat tipical food like "Picante de Cuy, Pachamanca and Charqui". The preparation is complicate, bad the reward is exellent because the food is pleasing to the palate.

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